Our Mission is to Offer:
* An excellent theological education program.
* To provides options to specialize in specific areas of the Ministry.
* Using the best books and resources available.
* Backed by a team of highly qualified & amp; committed members of the Faculty.
* Assisting all denominations.
* Equipping to be effective and successful in your respective Ministry.
* To face the great challenges of this dispensation today and tomorrow.
Our Vision is:
To be an institution dedicated to the preparation of pastors, and to the formation of ministerial leaders for world evangelization. The school is committed to carrying out this task, as an act of obedience to God, under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, in the spirit and power of Pentecost. Where ERBC graduates can then serve in strategic locations, and conduct their ministries to fulfill the urgent mission of the church around the world. (Matthew 28: 19-20).